Lawn to Edible Garden

Lawn to Edible Garden
Welcome to our family's journey as we respond to some of the large issues we are all faced with in today's world: Peak Oil, Climate Change, destruction of natural habitats, population explosion, depletion of resources...We have tried to address these issues both by learning as much as we can about them and also by walking with a smaller footprint on the earth. We have tried to respond in a personal and practical way. We live in a small, relatively energy efficient house, we are learning about gardening, we are vegetarians, we serve on community boards and teach university classes to raise awareness...but we are by no means experts about any of these subjects.

It is because we are not experts that we are writing this blog! We have realized that it might be helpful to others to share our journey with its ups and downs, mistakes, misunderstandings, and confusion - as well as all the things we have learned along the way. We hope that you will find the inspiration to jump in and do what you can, even if you have no idea what to do!

Be sure to read the 2009 posts because they cover the basics!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Getting Started

I am having a really hard time getting started with the garden this year. I don't feel very motivated to get out in the yard and I don't quite know where I want to begin. It is nice to look through the blog posts and see how lovely the garden looked last year and the year before.

I know that I don't want to plant as many annuals this year and I only want to plant the things I have had a lot of success with: squash, cucumbers, basil and tomatoes, lettuce. I haven't had the greatest luck with tomatoes, but they just taste GOOD that it's worth planting some. I'm interested to see what perennials are going to come up and I mostly want to plant edible perennials this year. It's just so nice to see them coming up in the spring and to know that you don't have to go out and plant them! Our asparagus didn't come up last year and I'm wondering what will happen with it this year. It will be disappointing if it died, but I guess that's part of the learning curve. WHAT I am supposed to learn from dead asparagus I don't know for sure, but I'm sure I am supposed to learn something.

I planted lots of raspberries along the edge of the yard this year, so my taste buds are anxiously, excitedly awaiting to see how they will grow. And I'm even more excited to eat them, but am not anxious about that. Watching raspberries grow is not one of my hobbies - just so ya know...

I "forgot" to harvest the Jerusalem Artichokes this year - well, in reality, I don't know when they are supposed to be harvested. Maybe I should go out and check them. They might be very tasty right now. They are sort of hard to cook because they have to be cleaned really well, which is a pain, and I haven't wanted to take the time when there is so much tasty food I can get from the grocery store. That's why I "forgot" to harvest then. I'm also too lazy sometimes. Well, I am still making a psychological transition...

We got a lot of rain barrels last fall, so I'm excited (Why do I keep saying "excited"? I'm really NOT that excited! Curious maybe.) to see how they work and how much water we get from them. We seem to have a sort of drought in Ohio in August and the plants are not so happy about it. I don't want to have to spend so much money on water to keep all the beautiful plants alive, so I'm really excited (there I go again -what is with me?) to see how the rain barrels are going to help.

We are going to have a base map made of our property. It will measure and label all the areas of the yard, the trees, bushes, current garden spaces, buildings, etc. We will be able to use this for planning our edible forest garden. So, maybe that's why I'm a bit stuck - I want to get the base map made and then really do some planning instead of just jumping in and creating a lot of back breaking work for myself.

In the meantime, I'm on spring break and am looking forward to digging in the earth this week.

The other thing that's really on my mind is that I just got my hair cut and I am now in the, "Oh, my God, what have I done?" stage. Funny how our experience with our hair largely determines our mood for the day - or week, or month. I don't really like that, but it's true. So, wish me a good hair day tomorrow and maybe I'll get out and garden...

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