Lawn to Edible Garden

Lawn to Edible Garden
Welcome to our family's journey as we respond to some of the large issues we are all faced with in today's world: Peak Oil, Climate Change, destruction of natural habitats, population explosion, depletion of resources...We have tried to address these issues both by learning as much as we can about them and also by walking with a smaller footprint on the earth. We have tried to respond in a personal and practical way. We live in a small, relatively energy efficient house, we are learning about gardening, we are vegetarians, we serve on community boards and teach university classes to raise awareness...but we are by no means experts about any of these subjects.

It is because we are not experts that we are writing this blog! We have realized that it might be helpful to others to share our journey with its ups and downs, mistakes, misunderstandings, and confusion - as well as all the things we have learned along the way. We hope that you will find the inspiration to jump in and do what you can, even if you have no idea what to do!

Be sure to read the 2009 posts because they cover the basics!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


We harvested a lot of green beans this week and it's so nice to be eating from the garden. We realize that we have a long way to go before we could actually survive on the food we are growing ourselves, but it is still nice to eat food that we've planted and harvested with our own hands. We want to learn how to preserve the food, too, through canning, drying, fermenting, and pickling - but one step at a time. We eventually want to have both a greenhouse and a root cellar, also. Big plans!

I try to get to the farmer's market on Saturday mornings so I can supplement what we aren't growing ourselves with food grown by local farmers. That way we are still eating a lot of locally grown food. I am finding that I sometimes overestimate what we can eat, so now we have a LOT of fresh food in the fridge. Today I made some vegan cheesecake with blackberries because I had to use up the blackberries I got at the market before they spoiled. The eggplant at the farmer's market was so many beautiful colors of purple - I wanted to buy all of it so I could paint a picture of it! Instead I just bought the ones that were the prettiest color! They are so much more beautiful than the ones you buy in the store. Next time I'm going to take my camera!

Yesterday I found 4 cucumbers in the garden and I was so excited. It's amazing the things that excite you...

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