Lawn to Edible Garden

Lawn to Edible Garden
Welcome to our family's journey as we respond to some of the large issues we are all faced with in today's world: Peak Oil, Climate Change, destruction of natural habitats, population explosion, depletion of resources...We have tried to address these issues both by learning as much as we can about them and also by walking with a smaller footprint on the earth. We have tried to respond in a personal and practical way. We live in a small, relatively energy efficient house, we are learning about gardening, we are vegetarians, we serve on community boards and teach university classes to raise awareness...but we are by no means experts about any of these subjects.

It is because we are not experts that we are writing this blog! We have realized that it might be helpful to others to share our journey with its ups and downs, mistakes, misunderstandings, and confusion - as well as all the things we have learned along the way. We hope that you will find the inspiration to jump in and do what you can, even if you have no idea what to do!

Be sure to read the 2009 posts because they cover the basics!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

If you want to be happy for an hour, get drunk;
If you want to be happy for three days, get married;
If you want to be happy forever, make a garden. 
- Chinese Proverb

Monday, June 18, 2012

Strawberries are all finished and we picked - and ate, of course - the first of the raspberries.  Everything from the greenhouse is now in the ground and am getting tomato cages around all the tomatoes today.  It finally rained so all the plants are very happy!

I love my morning routine - up early to meditate, then drink tea and read on the back porch.  After that I spend several hours in the garden.  Everything seems to fall in place for the rest of the day with such a lovely beginning!